Implications of the 2024 Seasonal Climate Prediction for the Nigerian Agricultural Sector.

FutuX Agri-consult Ltd
4 min readApr 19, 2024


Nigeria’s agricultural success hinges on navigating its diverse climate. For generations, farmers have relied on experience and local knowledge. Due to the changing weather conditions, understanding the climate trends is needed to optimize farming strategies, minimize risks, and ultimately increase the chances of a successful harvest.

As farmers gear up for another planting season, the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has released the Seasonal Climate Prediction (SCP) for 2024 which details expected rainfall patterns, temperature variations, and potential drought or flood risks.

The report predicts that the onset of the growing season is likely to vary from normal to delayed in most parts of the country. Earlier than normal onset dates are expected over parts of northern Borno, Yobe, Jigawa, Abia, Akwa-Ibom, and Cross-River states

Below-normal rainfall amounts (418 mm-750 mm) are predicted for Jigawa, parts of Katsina, Kano, Kebbi Yobe, Bauchi, and Gombe. Taraba, and Benue state. This may likely create water stress in and around these areas.

The following recommendations are provided

For Crop producers

  • Farmers in the areas predicted to have normal to short length of the growing season are encouraged to plant early and use early-maturing varieties of crops.
  • Drought tolerant and early maturing varieties should be planted in the whole north, where an early dry spell is expected, and planting should be delayed.
  • In the areas predicted to experience moderate to severe dry spells farmers are advised to use drought-tolerant crop varieties. Where drought-tolerant varieties are not available, farmers should adopt soil water conservation techniques such as mulching, water harvesting, and supplementary irrigation
  • Farmers should avoid fertilizer application just before it rains, to prevent leaching and runoff of the applied nutrient
  • Diversification of cultivated crops is advised in the Central region of Nigeria.

Poultry Farming

With the prediction of warmer-than-normal temperatures, farmers are advised to lower stocking density during the stress period (February — May). The temperature should also be considered when building chicken enclosures to enhance ventilation.

Sanitizing poultry cages during the rainy season is advised to prevent the outbreak of diseases. The floor should be kept dry always to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria and fungi


  • Routinely deworming livestock is advised. Pests (such as ticks) spread more quickly during the rainy season. It is therefore important to treat the animals often
  • Animal feeds should be properly stored in a clean and dry place to prevent mold growth during the rainy season.
  • Antibiotics should be administered to milking cows to prevent udder mastitis (swelling of the udder and stop producing milk).


  • Farmers are advised to construct earthen ponds one to two months before the onset of rain to achieve maximum results.
  • Dredging the pond to deepen it and increase its capacity so that it can hold a lot of water throughout the season is advisable.
  • During the high temperatures, cleaning of fishponds should be done systematically and frequently while minimizing the quantity of feed given to the fish.

Water Management

Situations such as the predicted delayed onset, earlier cessation, and shorter length of season. would necessitate careful holding and release of water from sources

Strengthening sensitization on the benefits of clearing drainages, and better waste disposals, as cases of flash floods, may not be ruled out as a result of the predictions.

Proper planning on water treatment before supply is encouraged as water temperature affects all physical, chemical, microbiological, and biochemical processes to some extent. This affects treatment efficacy and water quality, resulting in issues related to health-based contaminants and/or aesthetics.

Employing, improving, and strengthening integrated water resources management such as effective water budget pans.

Overall, the predictions necessitate improved water management practices along with the need for adequate planning to ensure periods of rain are well maximized.

Data source: Nigerian Meteorological Agency 2024 Seasonal Climate Prediction



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