Climate Change: Farmers Rights are also Human Rights.
Right to life is a fundamental right of every person irrespective of their social status. Thus, it must be protected at all costs. However, when an event becomes an annual occurrence without any solution in view, and it takes the life of many people, especially farmers and also leaves others penniless, then such an event is a threat to one's right to life. This is the situation of some communities in Nigeria where the flood has caused so much mayhem; leading to several deaths, loss of livelihood and displacement of the people. Many residential houses and farmlands have been submerged as floods take over, leaving the people (mostly farmers) in camps and shelters with no source of livelihood. The extent of this loss is unprecedented and huge in terms of monetary value, time lost and emotional cost that accompanies this event.
This is an emergency case and calls for a National response as stakeholders must brace up at this period to provide succor to the victims of this disaster. Firstly, there should be palliative provided on the short run for the victims and communities who are currently displaced and consented efforts must be shown to resettle them as soon as possible, and the needed financial and emotional support be provided for them to become productive again. Secondly, this case should be looked into critically by relevant stakeholders to identify the gray areas and hot spots in order to put measures in place to avert future losses. If this step is not taken, more losses would be recorded in the future and this needs to be averted as every life is very important.
Therefore, it is very important that the National disaster management body should brace up to critically look into this situation especially those red zone areas that are prone to annual flood and develop a disaster management strategy to reduce future loss of lives and livelihood. Furthermore, resettlement may be necessary especially in red zone areas and this should be done with the affected communities. Also, we all need to take action and be committed to reducing activities that contribute to climate change as a way to put an end to the devastating effects of climate change. This is what the future owes us; to live on a planet that will accommodate them comfortably . We need more proactive actions to save our people, planet and livelihood. More importantly, every farmer has the right to life; crops can be replanted, houses can be rebuilt but life lost becomes irreplaceable.